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TotIs and the nature of Reality

Albert Einstein once famously said that “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” My book, TotIs is an exploration and illumination of the nature of that illusion and the nature of reality itself. In order to make the arguments readable and accessible to a wider audience I’ve reprised the form Plato used to make his arguments in his book The Republic. In my book, TotIs, Socrates walks among us again, but in this symposium the discoveries of modern science are available to the characters involved.


In totIs we discover that reality is not an illusion, but the observers biochemically created experience of reality is. The basic argument follows this line:

In order to observe there must be an observer

The Matter and energy in the universe are not observers

The only observers we know of are biological organism’s

Observation is dependent on the sense-experience of the organism in relation to its environment.

Observation is neither neutral nor is it a property of the universe such as mass or wavelength

The organism’s sense-experience is a biochemical construct whose input is its biochemical/bio-mechanical sensory system, it is an encoded and processed fabrication by the organism’s central nervous system and is what the organism accepts as actual reality.

Manufactured interpretations of reality are unique, to observers alone, in the universe

By its very nature, as an interpretive system, the organism’s experience of reality is removed and insulated from the true nature of that reality itself.

Therefore, to experience, and thus to observe, is to be removed and insulated from the true nature of the reality the organism is interpreting.

 In the book we discover that – as observers we do not so much live in the world as create an experience of a world we live in – There is no all powerful “now” moment in the universe – There is no standard “tic” of a universal clock – Time’s arrow is a biologically created artifact of our central nervous system – Time does not “flow”, it simply IS, and much much more.

If you have read TotIs, I would like to hear your comments and ideas so as to begin our own symposium here in cyberspace. If you have not read TotIs, I hope you will. You can find it for sale on, in paperback and Kindle, here

J Joseph Kazden

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